
Submission > Submissions guide

2nd International Conference on Deprescribing – Submission guide 20pix_Icon_pdf_file.svg.png


The ICOD2 organizing and scientific committees invite clinicians, teachers, researchers, students, policymakers, and patient representatives in the field of deprescribing to submit proposals. This year, the call for proposals has been expanded beyond original research to include proposals for “clinical pearls” and workshops (see details below).


Key submission deadlines

Opening of the call for proposals: December 22th, 2023

Closing of the call for proposals:February 29th, 2024 EXTRA TIME March 10th, 2024

Notification of outcome of the call for proposals: End of April 2024

Deadline to register and to confirm in-person presentation: June 20, 2024.


Submission – general recommendations

Proposals must be submitted in English and should not exceed 300 words for original research and clinical pearls and 500 words for workshops. Tables or references should not be included. An author may submit a maximum of two proposals as a presenter.

Proposals will be assessed by two independent reviewers. Reviewers will be blinded to authors’ identities.

Please anonymize your proposals so that the scientific committee can perform an independent assessment (names, acronyms and/or affiliations should be replaced with XXX). Your proposal will be sent back if it does not respect the rules of anonymization.

Submission categories

Original research

We welcome proposals on original research within the field of deprescribing, whatever the study design. We will only accept proposals for which the findings have not been previously published or were published within the year prior to submission. We will also accept proposals that have been presented elsewhere.

Original research proposals should be written under the form of abstracts according to the following sections:

  1. Background: provide a brief summary of the rationale for your study
  2. Objectives: state the objective/study question as precisely as possible
  3. Methods: describe the study design, population, data, analysis, and other relevant information
  4. Results: summarize the results of your study. For quantitative studies, summarize results in quantifiable measures including measures of variability (for example, standard deviations, confidence intervals).
  5. Conclusions: add the conclusions of your study. State only the conclusions directly supported by the data. Both positive and negative findings are important and should be given equal attention.

When submitting, authors are invited to indicate their preference on the type of desired communication: oral presentation or poster. The scientific committee reserves the right to accept communication in a format other than that indicated by its authors (ie.poster instead of oral presentation).


“Clinical pearls”

The organizing committee and scientific committees of the ICOD2 want to enrich the conference with clinical reports or feedback on clinical initiatives that support clinicians in their day-to-day practice and may inform priorities for research.. Clinical pearls should correspond to clinical issues/challenges, and how they were addressed. Proposals should describe:

  1. The population and context of the deprescribing challenge,
  2. The clinical question related to deprescribing,
  3. How the situation was addressed (who did what, were, when, how and why)? What was the literature used to support the action taken? What were the relevant outcomes?
  4. Lessons learned: does it call for action/caution? What are the potential research, clinical and policy implication?

When submitting, authors are invited to indicate their preference on the type of desired communication: oral presentation or poster. The scientific committee reserves the right to accept communication in a format other than that indicated by its authors (ie. poster instead of oral presentation).



Workshops aim at increasing the capacity and knowledge of conference participants around the latest deprescribing-related scientific research, relevant policies, education initiatives or innovative programs that could be further implemented or adapted according to participants’ needs. The focus is on transferring knowledge through intensive interaction with the audience. Workshop format is free but should aim at skills development and collaborative learning.

Workshops will be 90 minutes in length, with at least 60% devoted to active audience participation.

In order to have a better understanding on the contents of your workshop, we kindly ask you to describe your workshop proposals according to the following structure:

  1. Title
  2. Introduction
  3. Intended audience
  4. Learning Objectives (3-5)
  5. Methods: Include a description of how your workshop will address learning outcomes, how your workshop will engage participants,  and address the  specific theme
  6. Conclusion



In the event of a problem with your submission, or if you have any questions, please contact the organizing committee by e-mail : contact.icod2@univ-nantes.fr

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