

2nd International Conference on Deprescribing (ICOD2)
in Nantes, France,
from September 26th to 27th 2024

Location: BIAS 1 building, 9 rue Bias 44000 Nantes


After the incredible success of the first edition in Kolding, there will undoubtedly be even more of us in Nantes to share, learn and exchange with the entire community of researchers, clinicians and teachers in the field of deprescribing.


logo_carre_icod_3.pngYou will be able to tailor your conference experience to suit your individual interests and practice.

ICOD2 will provide a unique opportunity to develop research networks and establish privileged links with other leaders in the field of deprescribing, fostering the development and strengthening of scientific collaborations.

Plenary sessions, roundtables, workshops and poster sessions will offer opportunities to share your discoveries and experiences. Social events will provide chances to meet and collaborate, while taking advantage of the many attractions of Nantes, the Cité des Ducs 


Nantes-universite-kerneisThe conference is jointly organized by members of the Pôle Fédératif des Soins Primaires (Nantes Université), the Department of General Practice (Nantes Université) and the Nantes Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire, as well as members of the Network of European Researchers in Deprescribing (NERD) who previously organized the inaugural ICOD.


We are looking forward to see you there, do not miss this event !


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picto-partenariat-3-nu Want to become a partner ?
Please contact us: contact.icod2@univ-nantes.fr



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